Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The "Show Me" state contemplates a "Don't Say Gay" rule stricter than Florida's

Lawmakers in Missouri are preparing to debate a proposed "Don't Say Gay" law that even its sponsor admits could make a teacher mentioning in a 12th grade class that she has a wife or he has a husband guilty of a felony.

From The Kansas City Star:

Missouri lawmakers are weighing a bill that would ban teachers from discussing gender identity or sexual orientation at any grade level, no matter the class subject. 

The bill is set to be heard Tuesday morning by the Missouri Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee. It would limit any public or charter school staff member from discussing gender identity or sexual orientation unless they are a mental health care provider and have permission from a parent. 

It would go further than Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law that passed last year. In Florida, the law prohibits instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade, but Missouri’s does not specify a grade level.

Critics of the bill say it would prohibit LGBTQ teachers from discussing their spouses because it could indicate their sexual orientation. They say it could also ban books from being taught if they include LGBTQ characters or topics, and forbid discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in health classes. 

Missouri state Sen. Mike Moon, the Ash Grove Republican behind the bill, said the intention of the bill is to allow mental health professionals to counsel students instead of staff members who may not be trained properly.

When asked in an interview with The Star if the bill would be broad enough to prohibit LGBTQ teachers from discussing spouses and potentially ban certain books, Moon indicated it might. 

“Gender identity and sexual orientation conversations would be prohibited. If they think that would be included, then it likely will be,” Moon said.

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