Monday, February 20, 2023

More White people determining what Black kids are allowed to know about their history

These pictures are here because they will probably soon be illegal for schoolchildren in Florida, Virginia, North Dakota, Arkansas, and Mississippi to view them in their classes.

And just in case you think you're safe where you are, there are at least 18 states now with legal restrictions on teaching about Black history:

Soon, one suspects, you won't be able to discuss the enslavement of Black Americans as having anything to do with race, because, as Candace Owens's brother tells us, it didn't:

“It’s absolutely absurd because nobody really wants to get the real history of it. America was not founded on racism. Don’t get me wrong, yeah, there was slavery going on but slavery itself was not initially a racist thing. It never was about race initially, so to sit there and take it like America was founded on racism is a complete lie.” — Ty Smith

Or, when people speak about reparations, the radical right wants us to know that there should be reparations for the descendants of ... slave owners:

Yes, Black labor in the South contributed to an enormous amount of wealth for these plantation owners. … And when you say, "Who build something?" Well, who designed it, who was the architect, who financed it? Labor's just a part of it. — Jesse Waters

“When people talk about reparations, do they really want to have that conversation? Like it or not, slavery was legal. Their legal property was taken away from them after the Civil War, so you could make an argument that the people that are owed reparations are not only just Black people but also the people whose ‘property’ was taken away after the end of the Civil War.” — Larry Elder

The radical right wants you to believe that Black people weren't even the majority of people enslaved in early colonial history:

“Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white.” — Liam Hogan

In fact, we should either just forget about the enslavement of Black Americans, or acknowledge that they should THANK US for the experience:

“Slavery was abolished a century and a half ago, nobody today has a grandparent who was a slave, and in that sense I think you reach a point where you need to move on.” — Mark Steyn

“Black people in America get special access to essential drugs, receive special federal funding due to race, and are first-in-line for every college and every job. America isn’t in debt to Black people, if anything it’s the other way around.” — Libertarian Party of New Hampshire

And maybe they'll even tie it to current events:

“There was no abortion happening when we had slaves.” — Candace Owens

Be clear here: they REALLY are serious about wiping out the history of American racism.

It didn't exist.

You're a CRT loving Marxist if you think so.

And America's public schools will soon not be allowed to teach it.

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