Monday, February 20, 2023

States now moving to criminalize the COVID-19 vaccine

If you could make this stuff up, nobody would believe you.

From Forbes:

If two Idaho state lawmakers get their way, it would become a criminal misdemeanor to administer a Covid-19 mRNA vaccine in Idaho.

This might seem to be a curiosity if North Dakota wasn't already breaking that ground:

House Bill 1200, introduced by Rep. Jeff Hoverson, R-Minot, passed in a 78-13 vote. The bill would ban colleges and universities from requiring or promoting COVID-19 shots for students, specifically exclude COVID-19 vaccines from the state's school immunization requirements, and extend the state's COVID-19 "vaccine passport" ban for another two years.

The "vaccine passport" ban prohibits state and local governments and businesses from requiring vaccination documents for access, funds or services. The ban passed in 2021 includes numerous exemptions for entities such as prisons, public health units and health care providers, among others.

Here's the thing: remember when making the individual decision to have or to reject the Covid-19 vaccine was the touchstone for "bodily autonomy" and a rallying cry for libertarians and the radical right?

I sure do.

Funny, now bodily autonomy doesn't apply to women's reproductive rights, the rights of trans people to control their own bodies, or -- apparently -- even your right to receive the Covid-19 vaccine if you think it's appropriate.

It IS important to watch and fight against what Metro Weekly describes as Ron DeSantis's "master class in white nationalism," but we cannot allow that to take all the air out of the room.

They are coming for EVERYTHING you hold dear.

1 comment:

  1. How does preventing “requiring” a COVID vaccine become criminalizing?
